Anthony Clifford Studios 

01708 754959 – 783576


Out-reach Projects

As a charity we are always looking for the next opportunity to get access to the arts, through outreach programs and through our own scholarships

Chance to Dance

ACS has partnered with the Royal Opera House as a ROH Associate school for  “Chance to Dance” since 2018, helping broaden access to ballet for children and young people from diverse backgrounds.

ACS teachers, Diana and Joe, enjoy visiting their partner school, Warren Primary School, on a weekly basis and they deliver creative ballet workshops and introduce year 3 children to the joys of ballet and helping to identify new talent.  
The children learn new skills, develop artistry and technique and engage with the repertoire of the The Royal Ballet by creating their own dance sequences under our Dance Artist’s guidance and direction. These weekly workshops culminate in a 3 day intensive School for selected children and then a performance alongside Royal Ballet Company dancers, which takes place either at the Royal Opera House or at another local theatres. 
So far  performances have been themed on the following rep  “The Fire Bird”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Swan Lake” and “Light of Passage”
Two Children are then selected at the end of each academic year, to receive a Bursary to attend ACS Dance for the next 4 years.

Boys Scholarship

Why Invest in Boys?

Learning to dance is hugely positive for all children male and female, so why deny half the population access to the amazing benefits and rewards of learning to dance?

Learning to dance has been proven to promote happiness, improve concentration, coordination, creativity, confidence, self-discipline, mental focus, muscle tone, posture, resilience, speed, agility, athleticism, leadership skills, manners, multi-tasking, time management and lateral thinking.  My own 35 year career traveling the world, dancing, performing and now teaching was all because one dance teacher could see the raw potential in me and decided it was worth investing her time in nurturing that talent.

I can’t thank you enough Diane Millard, I have great memories of Walsall Academy of Dance

Mark Anthony